Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Money spells reviews


Money spells are a common form of magical practice used to attract wealth, prosperity, and abundance into one's life. While there are many different methods and ingredients used in money spells, candles and amethyst crystals are popular choices due to their metaphysical properties and associations with abundance and prosperity. Here's a detailed look at how candles and amethyst can be incorporated into money spells:

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Candles in Money Spells:

Candles have long been used in magical rituals and spellwork due to their symbolic significance, versatility, and ability to focus and direct energy. In money spells, candles are often chosen for their association with the element of fire, which symbolizes transformation, passion, and vitality. Here's how candles can be used in money spells:

  1. Color Correspondences: Different candle colors are believed to have unique energetic properties that can be used to enhance specific intentions in money spells. Green candles, for example, are commonly used in money spells to attract wealth, abundance, and financial success, while gold or yellow candles may be used to enhance feelings of prosperity and optimism.

  2. Setting Intentions: Before lighting the candle, it's important to set clear intentions for the money spell. This involves focusing your thoughts and visualizing your desired outcome, whether it's increased income, new career opportunities, or financial stability. You may also choose to write down your intentions on a piece of paper and place it under the candle for added emphasis.

  3. Anointing: Some practitioners choose to anoint their candles with essential oils or herbs associated with prosperity and abundance before lighting them. Common choices include cinnamon, basil, patchouli, and bay leaf essential oils. Simply rub a small amount of oil onto the candle while visualizing your intentions for increased wealth and prosperity.

  4. Visualization: As you light the candle, visualize your intentions coming to fruition with clarity and conviction. Imagine yourself surrounded by a golden light of abundance, feeling grateful and prosperous in all areas of your life. You may also choose to recite affirmations or chants that align with your intentions for financial success.

  5. Candle Magic: Allow the candle to burn for a specific period of time, focusing your attention on the flame and the energy it emits. Some practitioners prefer to let the candle burn all the way down, while others may extinguish it after a certain amount of time and relight it in subsequent sessions until their intentions manifest.

  6. Gratitude: After the candle has burned out, express gratitude for the abundance and prosperity that is on its way to you. Trust in the power of the universe to manifest your intentions in divine timing, and remain open to receiving blessings and opportunities for financial growth and success.

Amethyst in Money Spells:

Amethyst is a powerful crystal known for its calming and protective energies, as well as its association with spiritual wisdom and intuition. While not traditionally associated with money magic, amethyst can be a valuable addition to money spells due to its ability to clear negative energy and enhance abundance consciousness. Here's how amethyst can be incorporated into money spells:

  1. Clearing Negative Blocks: Before performing a money spell, hold the amethyst crystal in your hands and take a few moments to center yourself. Visualize any negative beliefs or blocks around money dissolving away, replaced by feelings of abundance, prosperity, and gratitude.

  2. Amplifying Intentions: Place the amethyst crystal near the candles or on your altar during the money spell to amplify your intentions for financial success. The crystal's energy will help to enhance your focus and intention, making your spellwork more potent and effective.

  3. Visualization Aid: Use the amethyst crystal as a focal point for visualization during the money spell. Hold the crystal in your hand and visualize yourself surrounded by a shimmering field of abundance, feeling joyful and secure in your financial prosperity.

  4. Affirmation Support: Write down affirmations or positive statements related to money and abundance on a piece of paper and place the amethyst crystal on top of it. The crystal will help to amplify the energy of your affirmations, making them more potent and effective in attracting wealth and prosperity.

  5. Gridding: Create a crystal grid for abundance by placing the amethyst crystal at the center and surrounding it with other crystals and gemstones associated with prosperity, such as citrine, pyrite, and green aventurine. Activate the grid by setting your intentions for financial success and abundance, and allow the crystals to work together to manifest your desires.


Candles and amethyst crystals can be powerful tools for enhancing the effectiveness of money spells. By incorporating these magical ingredients into your spellwork, you can amplify your intentions for wealth, prosperity, and abundance, and align yourself with the energy of financial success. Remember to always practice magic with mindfulness, integrity, and respect for the natural laws of the universe, and trust in the power of your intentions to manifest your desires in divine timing.

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